Breaking Faith by E. Graziani - Spoiler Free Review
Hi there! I JUST finished Breaking Faith (literally 2 minutes ago), and I need to talk about it right this moment. So here's a review! 💗 Rating : ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 Synopsis : Faith Emily Hansen just wants to be loved and to live without the weight of addiction. But the lure of drugs is strong. The relief that she gets from being wrapped up in the cozy little cotton ball of heroin is impossible to ignore. Faith’s story starts in her earliest days, before drugs, before her family falls apart. Before her mother leaves. Before her sister betrays her, taking away Faith’s last connection to home. She eventually becomes consumed by the need to “chase the dragon” – the heroin addiction that seems to keep the Darkness at bay, but leads her to live on the street. The determination to find love and comfort that lures Faith to drugs is ultimately the same stubborn force that can drive her to recover. 😦 Personal review : I. Loved. This. Book!!!!!!!! 💜 It was really interesting and I ...